Management Board

Kalle Hvidt Nielsen (born 1964)

Master of Science (Engineering)
B.Com (Marketing)
Employed 2012

Kalle Hvidt Nielsen was CEO at Bang & Olufsen, 2008-2011, and employed at Brüel & Kjær 1998-2008, since 2001 as CEO.

Directorships and other managerial positions:
Chairman of Mita-Teknik A/S
Chairman of SSBV-Rovsing A/S
Member of the boards of directors of companies in the Topsil group 

No. of shares in Cemat: 420,000 (2013: 420,000)
No. of warrants in Cemat: 27,675,539



Jesper Bodeholt (born 1970)

Master of Science (Auditing)
Employed 2013

Jesper Bodeholt was CFO in InterMail A/S 2012-2013. Prior to this, he worked for companies such as Gate Gourmet, Coop, Carlsberg, Coca Cola and Maconomy 1999-2011.
He started his career in PWC as an accountant, 1990-1999.

No. of shares in Cemat: 0 (2013: 0)
No. of warrants in Cemat: 4,823,561

Directorships and other managerial positions:



Michael Lisby Jensen (born 1972)

B.Com (Business Administration)
Bachelor of Science (Engineering)
Employed 2014

Michael Lisby Jensen was Senior Director,
Product Marketing Management, GN Netcom (2010-2014). Before that he held various sales management positions in GN Netcom (2003-2010) and Glunz & Jensen (1997-2003).

No. of shares in Cemat: 0
No. of warrants in Cemat: 2,993,625

Directorships and other managerial positions: